Emit Discovers the Pyramids – and Ponders…

___     Of course if this were really a shot from ancient Egypt the Pyramids would look quite different. Can you find out how? My sister and I took this shot in 1987 and I remember it was very difficult to take a picture without cars, buses and tourists in it!

We may admire the Great Pyramid and think of it as a wonder of the ancient world, but it also demonstrates the great inequality of ancient Egypt: that one man, Khufu, could engage thousands of people to work for him for twenty years or more to make this massive structure. In organised civilisations such as ancient Egypt, there was a clear hierarchy of power. It was a very different community from the ones humans had experienced in the old hunter-gatherer days.

Evidence about the Pyramids

Go to the National Geographic site (see link below) and read about who built the Great Pyramid. Read carefully and thoroughly, then have a go at the Crossword.

National Geographic Site on the Great Pyramid

As you read, try to find the answers to these questions. This will help you ace the crossword!

  • Herodotus believed that Khufu used slaves to build the Great Pyramid. Is this true?
  • Who is believed to have built the Great Pyramid?
  • How have archaeologists worked this out?
  • What evidence is there that people who were injured whilst working on the Great Pyramid were cared for?
  • What does the graffiti of the workers suggest?
  • What were the stones made of?

 Crossword link – click HERE

(computer kid and smiley face animations used courtesy of animatedclipart.net)

Another Game and Some Websites

This photo was taken in 1987. Can you figure out who the person sitting on the ancient stones might be?


Thanks for your comments, everyone! Steph and Laura have left some suggested websites to help everyone with their assignment:

Hi all,
This is a website where you can make your name in hieroglyphs!
From Laura

Miss Green, this is a good website to check out – could you add it to the blog?

Thanks, girls!

Here’s a link to the BBC Website’s Pyramid Builder Game:


A hint for playing this game: it is generally believed that the people who built the Great Pyramid were not slaves but peasant farmers who worked while the flood waters were covering their farm land. Keep this in mind when you are playing this game.

More Websites:









Good luck from Ros.


Off to Egypt

A Message from Emit We’re off! Llatiwonk made me do all the safety checks first. Yesterday she even forced me to learn some basic hieroglyphics. It’s not necessary when I have my language chip in my pocket pod, but she thought it would help me to get the feel of the new mission. “I have a knack for languages,” she said, “but even with your language chip you sometimes make the most dreadful mistakes.” Well, it is true, but I wish she wouldn’t remind me of it.

Time to do some advance reading. I refuse to let Llatiwonk tell me everything this time. I’m going to surprise her with my brilliance, my forethought, my sheer genius for archaeological delving…


 Your Work for Today:

As you play the Mummy Maker game, try to learn about all the steps of mummification. You may need some clues from Miuty the cat.


Don’t worry too much about making a mistake. You can learn from your mistakes, and you can always play the game again.


The game tells you what the ancient Egyptians believed that made them mummify bodies with such care and skill. Fill in the blanks below as you read.

Mummy-Maker Game at the BBC Website    

(arrow from animatedclipart.net)                           

Copy this into a blank Word file and fill in the answers. Then paste it into your workbook. Don’t forget to save your work!




Fill in the blanks below:


The ancient Egyptians believed that after you died, your __ travelled to the ______. You would be judged by _____, the Lord of the Underworld. Your ___ and ___ would be reunited if you were judged to have been a ____ person. Then you could live eternally in ______.


But your soul had to be able to ______ your body, so the ______ had to look as it had looked when you were alive. That’s why they _______ people.


The person who did this skilful but messy job was called an _______.  He had to remove _____ and _____, and wrap the body in such a way as to give it ______ protection.


Once you’ve finished this task, you are free to do some web research for your assignment. Don’t forget to list all your websites in a file so that you can give me a bibliography.

Kind regards from Ros.