Revision for test on Wednesday 17 August

Hi, 7B!

I’ve just written your test.

♦First of all, you’ll need to write some definitions. ALL the definitions are words from the quizlet below, but I’m not telling you which ones.

Well, I don’t want it to be too easy!

♦Then there are some matching exercises. You know, I give you 8 words and 8 definitions and ask you to match them up. Embarrassingly easy. Those words are also from the quizlet below.

♦You’ll also need to be able to define and give an example of a primary source and a secondary source.

♦There are a few questions I’m not going to reveal to you, but I advise you to do the Stone Age Quiz a couple of times and, most important of all, to read my little remarks after you’ve answered the questions. That should help you. (That quiz is in the right-hand sidebar, in case you need it.)

♦You’ll need to be able to say which century a specific date is attached to – for instance, you should be able to say that, since you were born in 1998, you were born in the 20th century. That can be a tiny bit tricky. Revise it in your textbook.

♦The other task you will have to do is put a number of dates into chronological order – from the longest ago to the most recent. A cinch!

Now that you’ve read this, you’ll know what to revise.

So what are you waiting for?

Kind regards from

Ms Green


PS Don’t forget to check out all your timelines in the post below this one. 

Student timelines

Chris must spend a fair bit of time on Facebook, because he used a Facebook design for his timeline.
Joel used a river design for his work.
Noah also chose a river design.
Marley’s clever design.
Ben K’s fine drawing and design.
Amy’s design showed human footprints marching through history.
A key to history, by Ruslan20110812-102528.jpg
Howard’s superb design20110812-103620.jpg
Ayshin completed a lovely design.20110812-110921.jpg
The river of history, by Jacqueline20110813-094242.jpg
Alexander’s interpretation of the human story

Anastasia’s take on the story of history

The flow of history – from the Stone Age to ancient Egypt

Click on this link to complete a multiple choice quiz on the Stone Age. Some of the answers will be easier if you paid close attention to the video, “Stories from the Stone Age”. Good luck!

Stone Age Quiz Link



…there is no country that possesses so many wonders…


This picture of modern Egypt with its ancient wonders was kindly provided by Mrs McQueen in the library. She has more exciting holidays than I do, though I must admit, I have climbed those ancient stones myself. There's a photo below, in which I look uncomfortably hot. That was back in 1987.
This picture of modern Egypt with its ancient wonders was kindly provided by Mrs McQueen in the library. She has more exciting holidays than I do, though I must admit, I have climbed those ancient stones myself.

Egypt has a great fascination for historians. 

Remember, I'm a god. Even though I suffer from abscesses on my teeth and other mortal problems.
Remember, I'm a god - even though I suffer from abscesses on my teeth and other mortal problems.

Herodotus, a man from ancient Athens who is often dubbed the “father of history”, found the culture of the Egyptians strange as well as fascinating. You may feel the same as you wander the desert sands, sail across the Nile and show your embalming skills on our class mummy. I hope so.

♦Read up on the process of mummification

Play the Mummy Maker Game at the BBC website by clicking here

Read about the power of the Pharaohs here

View the treasures of Tutankhamen here

Another Resource for Studying Ancient Egypt

The World Book Online is a brilliant resource, which you can even access from outside through the intranet or this blog. You will need the username (bhhs) and password (worldbook) to use it, however.

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