Living like a Peasant

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For those of you who discover, at some stage in the school holidays, that Facebook, going out with friends, sleeping in and watching television are just too dull for words: here is your assignment, in case you realize that you have left it squashed in the back corner of your locker.

1. Brainstorm under headings first.  2. Read more and add more headings.  3. Take a single heading and break it into subheadings, as with "Work" above. 4. Add the finer details. 5. Then you'll be ready to write in sentences, using the dot points you've already prepared.
1. Brainstorm under headings first.
2. Read more and add more headings.
3. Take a single heading and break it into subheadings, as with “Work” above.
4. Add the finer details.
5. Then you’ll be ready to write in sentences, using the dot points you’ve already prepared.






Year 7 History Mainstream Research Task 2014


Site 1: PBS Website: A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian peasant 


Site 2: Egypt’s Past:

Site 3: Ancient Egypt: A farmer’s life in comparison with a noble’s:

Site 4: A primary source about farmers and their oxen, with a detailed explanation: 

Site 5: A fascinating (and more challenging) article about the everyday healthy problems of the ancient Egyptians. They probably had a life expectancy of about 40 years, many suffered from arthritis and dental problems and there were other problems associated with the environment of the Nile River:

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