Three Options for Research and Some More Reading on the Vikings

notebook2 with pen, clipartlord, pdDear 8E,
Below are the three options for your research assignment on the medieval period, which will be due about five weeks into Term 4. Each topic will be covered in class. Which one appeals to you most? You need only choose one! Not all three!

Kind regards,
Ms Green

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More about the Vikings
Viking_shipThe Vikings, like the Romans, were a fascinating, even paradoxical group. They were clever, brave and inventive people who travelled widely and influenced many societies, contributing some pronouns and many blunt descriptive words to the English language and making their presence felt in many lands, often through violence, looting and bloodshed. Learning about them is interesting for a number of reasons:

•Initially they were not Christians, so it is intriguing to consider how their society differed from others in early Middle Ages Europe, especially in their treatment of women.

•Their society was less rigid and hierarchical than many ancient societies before them and many medieval societies after them. Teasing out the reasons why seems worthwhile.

•Although many were farmers, they are not easy to categorise and pigeon-hole. Their warrior ethos and travelling adventures were also crucial to their identity. Their stories are full of wild violence, passion and bloodshed.

Read the links below and add some extra points to your longboat-shaped concept map of the Viking social world. 

Consider referring to these concepts: possessions, power, status, prestige, rights, wealth, work, hierarchy, social structure, skills, trade, movement between classes, etc.

Social Classes

An Essay on Viking Society and Influence

The Role of Women in Viking Society

History on the Net: Nobles, Freemen and Slaves

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