Europe and Japan in the Medieval Periods

Quiz: The Story So Far – A Knowledge Quiz on Medieval Europe

Crossword on Medieval Europe and Japan
Photo in background of crossword from Flickr via Madmrmox

Samurai with sword, picture in the public domain

A comparison of medieval Europe and Japan

Comparisons: similar | compared to | comparable | resemble | In both societies, … | Another common element is… | In comparison,… 

Contrasts: One distinction is… | Knights and samurai warriors differed in their attitudes to…| Another difference is…| While …, … | Whereas …, … | In contrast to this, … | Attitudes towards …. were different from…

Words that could be included in your paragraphs for Question 3: feudalism, knights, samurai, warriors, emperor, social mobility, code of ethics, castles, hereditary classes, peasants, religious beliefs

1. Read through the link provided above and make a dot point list of the similarities between medieval Europe and Japan.

2. Then create a similar list to summarise the contrasts

3. Use these two lists and the phrasing provided above to write a paragraph of comparison and a paragraph of contrast. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and provide 2-3 examples, followed by a closing sentence.

4. Write a brief explanation of each of these concepts:




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