Year 8: Learning from Home, Week 4: Medieval Japan

Dear Year 8 History Students,

This week you will be continuing your studies of Medieval Japan, with a focus on its people and their belief systems, especially Shintoism, an intriguing and unique religion.

You can locate all the worksheets, links and videos under your Compass Resource Tab > Japan under the Shoguns, 2020or alternatively click on the links provided below.

Thank you for your hard work and good humour in difficult times!

All the best from Ms Green, Mr Ditchburn, Ms Weyenberg and Mr Harley 

Topic 1: The Role of the Shoguns and the Samurai, continued

Key Knowledge: Discover more about the hierarchy of Japanese society, how this came into being and how it functioned in everyday life.

Task 1: Watch this short video from the Khan Academy and answer the questions below it in your workbook (or type them next to each question). The numbers after each question will help you to locate each item of information. Each answer should require only a word or a phrase:

  • 1 In the late Heian period, what kind of class became increasingly powerful? (0-0.10)
  • 2 How did the power of the emperor differ from that of the shogun? (0.25-1.00)
  • 3 How many daimyo (local lords) were there at this time? (1.00-1.50)
  • 4 What was the warrior class called? (1.50-2.00)
  • 5 To which group in Europe does the presenter compare the samurai warriors? (2.00-2.20)
  • 6 Which crucial factor is believed to have protected the Japanese from Mongol attacks? (2.20-3.10)
  • 7 In the Muromachi period, society became fragmented. What kind of conflict occurred? (3.50-4.10)
  • 8 What was a key factor in Japan becoming reunified? (4.10-4.40)
  • 9 Why is this considered to be the beginning of the modern period? (5.00-5.44)
  • 10 Which particular gift did the Japanese show in the late Edo period? (5.44-end)

Task 2: (optional) Read pp. 354-335 from the Japanese text chapter, which can be read or downloaded here. The first two pages provide an introduction to the the life of the first shogun, Minamoto (no) Yoritomo. The last two pages provide a simple overview of the different levels of society under the shogun.

Topic 2: Shintoism

Key Knowledge: Encounter Japan’s indigenous religion and identify its key ideas. Compare them with your own world view.

Complete this double-sided worksheet (available under your Compass Resource Tab>Japan under the Shoguns) by typing into the spaces in it. These are the websites that you will need to read as you complete this worksheet:

Topic 3: Two Influential Religions / Philosophies in Japan: Shintoism and Confucianism

Key Knowledge: Deepen your understanding of Shintoism and add an appreciation of the influence of Confucian philosophy in Japanese history.

Task 1: Watch this short video about Shintoism. Warning: This video shows middle-aged men in loincloths. It’s nearly as scary as men wearing lycra. All the same, it is informative.

Task 2: Watch this short video to gain more insight into Confucianism, a philosophy that was imported from China and that also became very influential in Japan.

Year 8: Learning from Home,Weeks 2-3: Introduction to Medieval Japan

Dear Year 8 Students ,

During the shutdown, you can begin your studies of Medieval Japan. There are three topics below. Under each one, there are two or three short activities. Some are marked optional.

All the resources for this topic are linked below. You can also find them under Compass > Resources > Japan Under the Shoguns, 2020.

We hope that you enjoy your encounter with Medieval Japan!

All the best from your teachers:
Ms Weyenberg, Mr Harley, Mr Ditchburn and Ms Green 🙂 

Introduction to the Values of Medieval Japan

Key Definition: A “value” is a principle or a judgement of what one considers important in life.

What are your values? In other words, what matters to you? What do you consider important?

Activity 1: Click here to download and read through this worksheet: Medieval Japan – An Introductory Activity. Complete the quiz and add up your score. This will give you an indication of how your values compare to those of the samurai warriors.

Activity 2: Based on the information about the quiz results, complete the sentence below with up to 4 of the following words or phrases. Only some of the phrases provided are appropriate, so choose wisely:

At that time in history, Japanese society tended to be…

closed to new ideas • free-thinking • spontaneous • hierarchical • tolerant • open to new ideas • progressive • based on the concept of individual liberty • spiritual • laid-back • informal • respectful • equal • strict

A Brief Overview of Japanese History

Activity 1: Watch this short video about the history of Japan. It is called: History of Japan (Censored). As you watch, write down ten words that you believe are central to describing Japan’s history. (You can watch the video twice if you like, because it moves fast.)

Activity 2 (optional): Read pp.336-339 from this text chapter. Write a definition of these words in your workbook: • shogun (p.336) • samurai (p.338) daimyo (p.338)

The Four-Tiered Class System of Medieval Japan

Please note: You will encounter quite a lot of new vocabulary while completing the next two activities. If you need to look up a word in an online dictionary, we recommend the Cambridge Online Dictionary.

Activity 1: Click here to download and complete this double-sided worksheet: The Four-Tiered Class System of Medieval Japan. You can complete it by typing into the spaces provided. 

Activity 2 (optional): You should now be ready to tackle this challenging online quiz. It is the kind of quiz where you can correct your answers if you make a mistake and so gain 100% to reward your efforts.

The Mongols Attack Japan

I’m back – I hope to stay.

Dear Year 8 students, 

I hope you still remember me after my long absence on sick leave! After my emergency operation, I needed quite a long time to get back to normal. Fortunately, my organs appear to be functioning properly now – more or less. Here’s hoping they stay that way.

I hope that you have all been happy at school and have managed all the demands on your time.

The mini-unit below is about the Mongols and their attacks on Japan in the 13th century. I understand that you have already learned quite a lot about medieval Japan and these Mongol attacks with Ms Giesbrecht. Like other medieval events that we have encountered, such as the Norman Conquest and the Black Death, these two failed invasions illustrate the beliefs and mentality of the would-be conquerors and the desperate defenders.

Below, you will find some extra activities, quizzes and websites about this remarkable story, followed by a Kahoot.

Kind regards from Ms Green

Artist: Katsushika Hokusai Source: The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Public Domain via Wikipedia


The Mongols conquered a vast empire in far less time than the Romans had required to conquer a smaller one. As a fighting force, the Mongols were efficient, ruthless, systematic and terrifying. When the leaders of a city realised that they were in line for a Mongol attack, they often surrendered meekly and began to pay tribute. This was a sensible idea, for the Mongols were tolerant towards their subjects but merciless towards their foes.

Below you will find some useful resources to help you discover what happened when the seemingly invincible Mongols attacked Japan in the thirteenth century. As the picture above suggests, it is always complicated to attack an island, especially one surrounded by potentially stormy seas. 

Handouts and Activities

Extension Task: Write a paragraph titled “The Story So Far” in which you use these key words and new vocabulary: Kublai Khan, Japanese sovereign/emperor, tribute, Mongols, Samurai, empire, code of honour, typhoon, brutal, armada.

Corresponding Task: Watch the video (Why were the Mongols so effective?) under “Recommended Videos” below and answer questions ⓐ, ⓑ and that are listed there.

Online Quizzes and Activities

(Simple multiple choice questions to help you focus on the main wording and details in the videos)

Recommended Websites

(The three handouts above are based loosely on this much longer article, along with other sources.)

Recommended Videos

ⓐ As you watch the video, write down key words. I shall do the same on the board. We shall have a quick quiz afterwards on the meaning of some words.

ⓑ The presenter lists 3 reasons why the Mongols were such successful conquerors. Write these down too. He repeats the reasons, so don’t panic if you miss them on the first run-through.
1♦ 2♦ 3♦ 

ⓒ Discussion question: Which three words would you use to sum up the Mongols and their style of conquest? (You can borrow words from the handout and the video.)