Welcome to history, 7B!

Dear 7B,

This is my Year 7 History Blog, an amateur mini-website that you can use to brush up on your knowledge and extend your reading beyond your text book.

The best thing about this blog is, you can visit it any time, whether at school or at home, so long as you know the address. That means you can use it to check on what we’re doing in class, to flick through class powerpoints, to revise for tests and to find websites with useful information.

There’s a little alien whose name is at the top of this blog. His name is Emit Repoons. You can see him in the picture below. In a way, he is the mascot of the blog.

My name is Emit Repoons. I'm blue, alien and clever.
My name is Emit Repoons. I'm blue, alien and clever.

You have been a delightful class so far, full of ideas and quick with intelligent comments and knowledgeable remarks.

Kind regards,

Ms Green.