Europe and Japan in the Medieval Periods

Quiz: The Story So Far – A Knowledge Quiz on Medieval Europe

Crossword on Medieval Europe and Japan
Photo in background of crossword from Flickr via Madmrmox

Samurai with sword, picture in the public domain

A comparison of medieval Europe and Japan

Comparisons: similar | compared to | comparable | resemble | In both societies, … | Another common element is… | In comparison,… 

Contrasts: One distinction is… | Knights and samurai warriors differed in their attitudes to…| Another difference is…| While …, … | Whereas …, … | In contrast to this, … | Attitudes towards …. were different from…

Words that could be included in your paragraphs for Question 3: feudalism, knights, samurai, warriors, emperor, social mobility, code of ethics, castles, hereditary classes, peasants, religious beliefs

1. Read through the link provided above and make a dot point list of the similarities between medieval Europe and Japan.

2. Then create a similar list to summarise the contrasts

3. Use these two lists and the phrasing provided above to write a paragraph of comparison and a paragraph of contrast. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and provide 2-3 examples, followed by a closing sentence.

4. Write a brief explanation of each of these concepts:




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The Life of Vikings

Dear S2Z,

Since many of you will have finished your concept map on cause and effect (or perhaps not?), I am providing some reading on the Vikings, so that you can complete the notes based on this handout.

The links below are intended to provide you with extra information that will complement the information in your textbook on pages 268-71 and 280-2. You may wish to print out some extra pictures as well as those provided on the handout. Ultimately you will have a lovely double spread of notes and pictures in your workbook, but this is class work and will only be assessed with unstinting praise from me.

Kind regards,

Ms Green



Food and diet 



Secrets of Viking ships 

Write your name in runes 

Here is my name in runes: 

Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 2.32.12 pm

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