A brief visit to the Romans

There’s very little time left in this year, but just enough, thankfully, to let you experience some of the gruesome qualities of the ancient Romans.

The BBC website describes the Romans as “ingenious but brutal”. I think this is a succinct and accurate description. The Romans built superbly designed roads, triumphal arches and aqueducts and administered a massive empire for hundreds of years, but despite their brilliance in many fields they certainly had a brutal streak.

This map of the Roman Empire is in the public domain and is kindly provided by Wikimedia Commons. It shows the remarkable breadth of the Empire at its greatest. You may not recognise the names of the countries but you should be able to figure out which countries they are by their geographical position.
This map of the Roman Empire is in the public domain and is kindly provided by Wikimedia Commons. It shows the remarkable breadth of the Empire at its greatest. You may not recognise the names of the countries but you should be able to figure out which countries they are by their geographical position. For a larger version, see the bottom of this post.

The Romans are remembered for many qualities, not all of them pleasant. They are famous for their military conquests; for their cruel punishments, such as the one inflicted on Jesus and the thousands of slaves they executed for rebellion along the Appian Way; for the blood sports in their amphitheatres, where by all accounts they bayed for blood and got it; and for the decadence they displayed during their huge banquets. These are just a few examples.

Nevertheless, their influence on the modern world has been immeasurable, like that of the ancient Greeks. Most modern languages have many words that originate from Latin; the script used by the Romans is the one used in most countries for writing today; the administrative methods, architecture and engineering of the ancient Romans have been admired and emulated ever since their empire finally collapsed.

The Western Roman Empire officially came to an end in 476AD, a date that is usually considered to mark the end of the ancient period and the beginning of the medieval period. This depends on which historian you read, of course.

Ironically and paradoxically, even though they were in many ways warlike and vicious, they imposed upon their large empire an enforced peace. Even in the midst of all their decadence, the learning and ideas that flourished during that time of peace (known as “Pax Romana”) provided a basis for later civilisations to build upon.

JB Jordan chariot race IMG_0468

Our family friend, John Bayley, took this shot of a reenactment of a Roman chariot race during his visit to Jordan in 2009. I hope it gets you in the mood for gladiators and blood sports.

JB Roman reenactment, Jordan IMG_0400 2009Reenactment of a Roman legion in formation, also taken by John Bayley.

Click HERE for the Gladiator: Dressed to Kill Game from the wonderful BBC website if you haven’t have played this game already. (You can also click on the pic below.)

Roman Mosaics: The Romans loved to make pictures with small tiles. Click HERE for some pictures of Roman mosaics to inspire you. Then try making your own by clicking on my mosaic below to go to a site that lets you design one online.

A Roman Street

Toss everything that doesn’t belong in a Roman street into the time tunnel in this game from the BBC. Click HERE.

The History of Pizza

Read this interesting story by clicking HERE.

Jesse's castle
Jesse's drawing of a plan for an impregnable medieval castle (assuming no modern contrivances were available)
This map of the Roman Empire is in the public domain and is kindly provided by Wikimedia Commons. It shows the remarkable breadth of the Empire at its greatest. You may not recognise the names of the countries but you should be able to figure out which countries they are by their geographical position.
This map of the Roman Empire is in the public domain and is kindly provided by Wikimedia Commons. It shows the remarkable breadth of the Empire at its greatest. You may not recognise the names of the countries but you should be able to figure out which countries they are by their geographical position.