Landing in the Desert Sands of Ancient Egypt

Nile at night JB “Egypt is the gift of the Nile.” (Herodotus)

Another photo from the magical lens of John Bayley

Thanks for all your interesting comments, 7E. Here’s a little introductory quiz on ancient Egypt.

After you have done this quiz, read the websites below it about farming and the importance of the Nile and the life of farmers in ancient Eypgt. Armed with this knowledge, start writing your assignment. 

Click on these links to discover more about the Nile River and its importance to ancient Egypt. (for serious readers only!)


Click on these links to discover details of the lives of peasant farmers: (This site explains that it was peasant farmers rather than slaves who were responsible for the great monuments of ancient Egypt.)


For a detailed account of how the ancient Egyptians made beer and bread, go to: