Welcome to History, 7E!

Box Hill Facade RedI have to tell you, 7E, that history is not for the faint-hearted. There is nothing gentle and peaceful about this subject. All the foibles, cruelties and wrongs of humankind are exposed. It must be said, however, that some of our best qualitites come out too. I hope you enjoy finding out both the bad and the good (and all the points in between).

So here’s the bad…

Roman soldier reenactment in Jordan JBPhoto taken by John Bayley

Tyranny, war, slavery, social injustice, inequality and sexism – the ancient world had it all. So, for that matter, did medieval Europe. The main topics we cover are ancient Egypt, ancient Greece OR Rome and medieval Europe. We look at the powerful and the power-hungry but we also find out about the people history used to forget – like the farmers of ancient Egypt and the medieval peasants. Common people make history too.

And here’s the good

Colosseum - DaveyGreat buildings, the uses of pi, democracy, science, medicine and art – the ancient and medieval periods gave us some lasting legacies too. We’ll find out about the great people and achievements as well as the vices of people in the ancient and medieval periods.

The Night of Notables occurs during this semester too. I’ll give you more details about it soon, but the main thing for you to remember is, I want you to choose someone original, interesting and inspiring. I intend to give you a list of people that no other student has ever chosen. The notable person you choose has to have a clean moral slate: no murderers or tyrants. You can work with a friend for this project, which will culminate in a presentation in late October. Stay tuned.


Audree's AnubisAudree’s Anubis (7F, Semester 1, 2009)

  • You can leave a comment any time you like. Your comments are emailed to me automatically, so I know at once if you have a question, a problem or a suggestion. Remember to be courteous, constructive and intelligent. I don’t publish your comment if it fails on any of these counts. Don’t forget that you should only write your first name in your comment.
  • There’s a box in the left-hand sidebar telling you about any homework you have to do.
  • If you draw a great picture, I would love to scan it to put in the sidebar. You can see some work from other students in the past in many spots on this blog.
  • If you would be happy to have your picture on this blog, your parent needs to sign a note to tell me that this is OK.

Have a great semester!

Kind regards,

Ros Green Emma's drawing of me(A drawing of me by a kind student last term, Emma in 7F)

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25 Replies to “Welcome to History, 7E!”

  1. Oh, how sad!

    In period three today, i was sitting in IT with Mr Quinn talking about computer language (which is just gibberish to me!) and here’s me thinking:

    Great! This time last Term i was enjoying History lessons with Ros and here i am learning LOTE/IT!

    Good Times…

    Have fun 7E!

  2. hi Ms Green and eveyone else…

    wat interests me in history???….

    umm i guess i have no particular favs so lyk im really happy to learn about anything.. but the ancient rome sounds interesting…


  3. I enjoy history as a whole, learning new facts about how life was in other times really interests me. I think the ancient egypt subject will be really interesting and im sure i will learn lots about how the egyptions lived in ancien times…

  4. I’m Zippedidoodah. History interests me because I like learning about the disgusting part of ancient people’s lives.

  5. Hi

    I am really excited about history this semester. I really want to learn about early human tools and weapons. I also want to learn about human conquest


  6. hello dudes

    i would like to learn about what it was like when australia was just founded

  7. In History, I am fascinated by almost everything History has to offer. Prehistory, Ancient History, Medival History, Recent History and Significant Events.

  8. I would like to find out about ancient Greece. I also would like to learn about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World.

  9. Hi Ms.Green!
    In History, I find ancient history and world wars the most interesting.

    With world wars, I think that learning why a war begun, who started it, why they started it, etc, is very interesting. I also would like to learn about the soldiers and how most of them were forced out of their homes to the war by the law.

    I think that ancient history is a great subject. We can learn about how the world came to be and who made the world come to be. I am interested in how humans first evolved and how they built houses and farmed to survive. I am also interested in their culture, such as their music, art, beliefs, traditions, clothing, etc.

  10. Hi Ms. Green! =3
    What I like most about history is the myths and legends of the ancient civilizations. The great gods of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and so on!

    Another thing I like most about history is the gruesome toretures and rituals the ancient civilizations and the earlier ones too. The Aztecs & Ancient Egypt are just some of the many!

  11. What I like about History is the History of Technology, Science and Ancient Times.

  12. Hey Ms Green!

    Nothing really interests me in history…
    but Ancient Rome sounds pretty cool…

  13. Hi miss
    in history i am interested in the neanderthals and ancient egypt.
    i’m looking forward to history this year:)
    Bye miss

  14. Hi my fav part in history is medieval times especially archers and archery, knights, bows, swords and castles i am really intrested in reading fantasy books and anything about medieval times I would like to learn more about stragetys that the romans used and how they invented the bow. =)
    🙂 Matt HAHA

  15. Hi Ros!

    i’m determind not to be sad and depressed (even if, as Grev pointed out while we were moaning about not having history, that it’s only technacially been 2 scool days) while on ur witty and very insightful blog.
    i’m hoping that 7E wil love it as much as we do! and they beta not leave any unture/ ungrateful comments, OR ELSE……..
    just kidding, just kidding lol

    courteous, constructive and intelligent, ha ha lol
    i don’t remember my comments being anything along those lines,
    especially da intelligent part 😛

    i miss history soooooo bad :'(
    we only had a 2 terms with u, NOT ENOUGH at all! grrrrr
    we need atleast hmmmmm 6 years minimum with u as our teacher,
    any subject really don’t mind, even maths ;p

    i’m off too learn history on ur other history blog YAY!
    from tina ur history student still

  16. awwwwwww

    u 7e guys r sooooooo lucky

    wat other history blog r u talkin about???

    ha lol i just saw my pic of da elefant of suplise…

    oh yeah ms green thnx for putting my pic up as ur blog avatar

  17. Hi Hi watermelon 😛

    Ros’s other history blog is http://historyshadows.globalstudent.org.au/
    its not as recently as updated as this one though, cause im pretty sure
    the latest post on it has a christmas tree from last christmas.

    but nevertheless it’s WAY AWSOME!
    and crammed with everythin u could possibly eva want to know about history,
    so check it out 🙂

  18. Why am i the only one talking on this bolg??
    Anyway i just checked the homework section and it still says:
    “Your only homework for this first week is to organise your workbook, preferably by drawing or printing pictures to decorate it and then covering it with contact. You should also paste in your handouts and prepare for an assignment on ancient Egypt by going to your nearest public library and taking out some books from the non-fiction section. If you are not a member, join now”
    so now i’m getting a bit confused…

  19. Dear Matt,
    Geez, you’re a hard taskmaster. I leave the homework box for one week and you’re on my case! I’ve changed it now, you’ll be glad to know. I need students like you to prompt me into action!
    Ms Green

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