Dear Year 8 History Students,
This week you will be continuing your studies of Medieval Japan, with a focus on its people and their belief systems, especially Shintoism, an intriguing and unique religion.
You can locate all the worksheets, links and videos under your Compass Resource Tab > Japan under the Shoguns, 2020 – or alternatively click on the links provided below.
Thank you for your hard work and good humour in difficult times!
All the best from Ms Green, Mr Ditchburn, Ms Weyenberg and Mr Harley
Topic 1: The Role of the Shoguns and the Samurai, continued
Key Knowledge: Discover more about the hierarchy of Japanese society, how this came into being and how it functioned in everyday life.
Task 1: Watch this short video from the Khan Academy and answer the questions below it in your workbook (or type them next to each question). The numbers after each question will help you to locate each item of information. Each answer should require only a word or a phrase:
- 1 In the late Heian period, what kind of class became increasingly powerful? (0-0.10)
- 2 How did the power of the emperor differ from that of the shogun? (0.25-1.00)
- 3 How many daimyo (local lords) were there at this time? (1.00-1.50)
- 4 What was the warrior class called? (1.50-2.00)
- 5 To which group in Europe does the presenter compare the samurai warriors? (2.00-2.20)
- 6 Which crucial factor is believed to have protected the Japanese from Mongol attacks? (2.20-3.10)
- 7 In the Muromachi period, society became fragmented. What kind of conflict occurred? (3.50-4.10)
- 8 What was a key factor in Japan becoming reunified? (4.10-4.40)
- 9 Why is this considered to be the beginning of the modern period? (5.00-5.44)
- 10 Which particular gift did the Japanese show in the late Edo period? (5.44-end)
Task 2: (optional) Read pp. 354-335 from the Japanese text chapter, which can be read or downloaded here. The first two pages provide an introduction to the the life of the first shogun, Minamoto (no) Yoritomo. The last two pages provide a simple overview of the different levels of society under the shogun.
Topic 2: Shintoism
Key Knowledge: Encounter Japan’s indigenous religion and identify its key ideas. Compare them with your own world view.
Complete this double-sided worksheet (available under your Compass Resource Tab>Japan under the Shoguns) by typing into the spaces in it. These are the websites that you will need to read as you complete this worksheet:
Topic 3: Two Influential Religions / Philosophies in Japan: Shintoism and Confucianism
Key Knowledge: Deepen your understanding of Shintoism and add an appreciation of the influence of Confucian philosophy in Japanese history.
Task 1: Watch this short video about Shintoism. Warning: This video shows middle-aged men in loincloths. It’s nearly as scary as men wearing lycra. All the same, it is informative.
Task 2: Watch this short video to gain more insight into Confucianism, a philosophy that was imported from China and that also became very influential in Japan.